I got new tires today! I did some research (with the help of my pops) and got what I think was a good deal. Got to spend some time with some fun friend-girls: Nicole, Cassie, and Jenn. We went to the Belmont Mansion and the Country Music Hall of Fame, both for free. The weather was b-e-a-utiful!!!!
My view on drugs is black and white...don't do 'em. Piece of cake, piece of pie. And as far as using marijuna for cancer patients?...if it's prescribed by a doctor, go for it. Who am I to tell a doctor and patient what could or couldn't work? I'm just a social worker.
Alcohol is a different story. My favorite word to use when talking about alcohol is "moderation." I grew up hearing my mom say that most things in moderation was ok. To say "always" or "never" is just way too extreme. I also grew up watching my mom and dad drink a glass of wine at dinner. I have never seen my mom or dad tipsy or drunk. I've never seen my mom drink anything other than wine. My dad has an "annual beer" every year (usually with my little brother). I have enjoyed sipping wine with my parents over Thanksgiving dinner since I turned 21. I guess moderation has been modeled well for me, it's all I know. I don't like the taste of beer, whiskey, gin and tequila. And I don't like the carbonation in champagne, so that's out. My drink of choice is white wine, Reisling to be exact. And, I would say, 2-3 times a year I will be out with my friend-girls and I might get one mixed drink (which I don't even finish half the time). My point is that alcohol is a choice. Choose to be responsible. It's just like the gun argument, guns don't kill people -- people with guns kill people. Alcohol isn't the bad guy -- people who don't know their limit and CHOOSE to get drunk are the bad guys. I'd also just like to point out that there are health benefits (good for your heart, and helps with digestion) to drinking wine in moderation. For the record.
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