Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ashes and Pancakes

Happy Hump/Ash Wednesday Day :)

I've been having consistant tooth pain in the tooth that I had a root canal on this past fall.  For the last 2 weeks, I haven't been able to eat on the left side of my mouth.  Which is totally inconvinient.  I walked in to see my dentist this afternoon, and they took an x-ray of my tooth.  Apparently, they missed one of the canals in that tooth.  What well-educated dentist misses a canal during a root canal???  Riddle me that???  So I got perscriptions for penicillan and motrin, and I have another root canal appointment scheduled for next week.  For those of you who don't already know this about me, I am 100% terrified of going to the dentist, and particularly root canals.  So the fact that I have to go back and get another root canal on the same tooth is, well, scarey. 

Today's Recipe:  Oven Pancake
3 large eggs
3/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
3/4 cup milk
3 tablespoons butter

Beat eggs until lemon colored.  Mix flour, salt and sugar and add to eggs.  Beat in milk.  Melt butter in iron skillet.  Add butter to hot pan and bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.  Enjoy!

Longevity Quiz -- Select your answer.  Start with the number 89 and add/subtract based on your answers.  They key is at the bottom.

1) When you're stressed, how do you handle it?
                          A) Very well         B) Pretty Well       C) Not so well
2)  How often do you do things that keep your mind sharp (Sudoku, word puzzles, etc)?
                          A) Couple times per week    B) Between once a week and once a month   C) Never
3)  Do you spend time with friends on a regular basis?
                          A) Yes, I have lots of friends     B) Yes, I have a small circle of friends    C) No
4)  Have any of your parents/g-parents/aunts/etc lived to be 97 or older?
                          A) Yes             B) No         C) Don't know
5)  Do you have a brother/sister/parent with history of heart attack/diabetes?
                          A) Yes             B) No         C) Don't know
6)  How much do you exercise?
                          A) 30 min. at least 5 days a week    B) Some/twice a week     C) Rarely/never
7) Are you at a healthy weight?
                          A) Yes         B) Pretty close        C) No
8) Do you smoke?
                          A) Yes         B) No
9) Do you floss?
                         A) Every day           B) Once in a while        C) No
10) How often do you eat red meat?
                         A) 4+ times per week     B) 2-3 times      C) No
11) Did you have a child without fertility assistance after the age of 38, or did you stop getting your period completely after the age of 54? (If you're too young for either of these questions or don't have children, pick B).
                         A) Yes               B) No
12) Do you have a primary care doctor you trust whom you've seen in the last year?
                         A) Yes            B) No, but I see my gyno each year          C) No
13) How would you describe your sleep?
                         A) Great         B) Could be better        C) Not so great

Key -->  1. a) 0  b)0   c) -5
              2. a) +5   b) +2    c) 0
              3.  a) +5    b) +2     c) 0
              4. a) +10     b) 0    c) 0
              5. a) -3     b) 0       c) 0
              6.  a) 0     b) -2     c) -5
              7.  a) 0      b) 0      c) -8
              8. a) -15        b) 0
              9.  a) 0       b) -3     c) -3
             10.  a) -5     b) -5     c) 0
             11.  a) +5        b) 0
             12.  a) 0       b) 0       c) -3
             13.  a) 0        b) -2     c) -2

Is anyone giving up something for lent?  Or incorporating something new into their lives for lent?  And why are there H&M commercials aired in Tennessee when there isn't even a store in all of middle Tennessee?  That's just cruel.  What's everyone doing for Spring Break/Easter this year?  I may be going to the Caymon Islands in April with one of my close friends from high school.  I'm hoping it works out!  I hope you all are having a good week :)


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